iWISE - Indian Women in Science and Engineering

Our goals are broadly to:

  1. Bring together a group of women who are already in the Sciences and Engineering to share ideas on their day to day lives, both professionally and personally.
  2. Recognize that this group of women is already in a very privileged position being in a difficult field of study and coming from what are really prestigious institutions in the country in order to pay our success forward.
  3. Encourage leadership by activities in the local community including local-area schools where our members serve as role-models or just plain mentors who take on a very low-profile but emphatic role in encouraging other children and women to consider our field of study
  4. Be an inclusive group that extends across several institutions that agree to our basic tenets of a non-authoritarian setup, facilitation roles and active community involvement.
    1. URL:www.iwise.org.in